My name is Petr Sovadina and I founded Advanced Alloy Claddings, s.r.o. in December 2022.  The company is built on the foundations of my power engineering degree at Brno University of Technology, thirty year´s experience in power boiler pressure parts engineering, manufacturing and servicing out of which last ten years I focused on thermal spray protecting technology. In this last decade I successfully executed tens of thermal spray application projects on behalf of global thermal spray providing companies througout and outside of Europe. 

The Company´s main scope of activity is a protection of internal surfaces of steam generators, especially power boilers, whose shells and internals are formed by tubes-and-fins heating surfaces. These tubular waterwalls, platens and coils, conveying water or steam, are heated by hot flue gases, so they are under aggressive attack of combustion products, which affect their lifetime by means of a: 

  • corrosion – sulfur, vanadium, nitrogen and chlorine 
  • erosion – particles

A proven method of protection of steel surfaces under this type of attack is buiding additional layer-barrier over existing, mostly carbon or low alloy materials, by means of spraying a metal material with significantly better resistance to corrosion or erosion. For this purpose the Company uses materials based on existing and in-service-verified nickel super-alloys, modified for the application by thermal spray technology equipment. 

The application method for the services is a  High Velocity Twin Wire Arch Spray.

Our Company provides the services primarily by on-site projects during outages. Nonetheless, shop thermal cladding application on newly manufactured heating surfaces with subsequent installation into existing boilers is also technologically feasible. 

Typical service projects of the Company:

  • inspection and analysis of existing cladding
  • inspection and analysis of existing cladding followed by immediate repair works
  • primary cladding application on in-service surfaces
  • primary cladding application on newly installed surfaces
  • secondary cladding application over existing protecting layer


Dipl. Ing. Petr Sovadina, executive officer, chief of technology and site management.


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